Randy McNutt
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Ohio's Haunted Landscapes,
Lost Arts, and Forgotten Place

(Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition)

Release Date: September 15, 2008 $22.50; trade paper, illustrated; 248 pages; index; ISBN-13: 978-1-932250-64-0 For additional information contact: Barbara Gargiulo, Little Miami Publishing, 513-576-9368 Little Miami Publishing Co. proudly announces the reissue of Randy McNutt's popular Ghosts: Ohio's Haunted Landscapes, Lost Arts, and Forgotten Places.

Randy McNutt It will be featured at Books by the Bank literary festival at Cincinnati's Duke Energy Center on November 1, 2008.

The new second edition-revised, expanded, and redesigned-includes a new cover, a fanciful two-page map by Ohio artist Dan Chudzinksi, forty-five photos and illustrations, a new typeface, and two new chapters. Several others have been updated and lengthened.

Ghosts is a history and travel narrative in which the Hamilton author explores the Buckeye State's folklore, towns, and people. They include frontier legend Gen. "Mad" Anthony Wayne; remnants of the Miami and Erie Canal, which ran into downtown Cincinnati; the disastrous Ohio River flood of 1937; nitro shooters, tattooed chickens, and moonshiners; the phenomenon of Eugene, Sabina's cadaver-in-residence; the glory years of Indian Lake; and, of course, quintessential Ohio ghost towns named Sodom, Knockemstiff, Rural, Mudsock, San Toy, and Dull.

When first published in 1996, Ghosts became a regional bestseller and an award-winner for McNutt, then a reporter for the Cincinnati Enquirer and a contributing editor for Ohio Magazine. Among his dozen regional and national books, Ghosts remains his favorite. "It represents who we are," he says. "It is a snapshot of Buckeye life, past and present."

Described by a reviewer as a love song to Ohio, the book is also the key to a time long past, when places like Whigville, Tunnel, Temperanceville, Toots Corner, and Goose Haven ruled the day.

Now their forgotten lore lives again.

The book may be purchased directly from the company by writing to Little Miami Publishing, 19 Water St., Milford OH 45150-0588. Please add $4 for shipping. Or you may contact your local book store.

Road Trip

Lost Ohio

More Travels into Haunted Landscapes, Ghost Towns, and Forgotten Lives

Randy McNutt

A fascinating look at Ohio's forgotten history

Where's Randy "Out there on black asphalt ribbons, deep in the heart of nowhere, I watch the images of towns and people grow smaller in my rearview mirror and finally fade to nothing. I feel at one with the speeding tires and the motion of the Jeep. The movement seems strange yet vaguely familiar, as though it possesses a soul I once met but can't quite remember. . . .Those slowly disappearing images and the blurry objects objects on the side of the highway were not soley optical events. They were fragments of time rushing past me, quickly and almost imperceptibly. I do not know where they went."

--from the Introduction

Travel/Ohio History; Paper $16.95; October 2006.

Take a leisurely tour across the Buckeye State with author Randy McNutt to a massive swamp that swallowed pioneers' wagons, a haunted prison, a faded German utopia, a town where they still chase horse thieves, a marriage mecca, a village where Buster the dog voted Republican, and a myriad of abandoned "ghost towns" and small cities.

In Lost Ohio, McNutt continues his travels around the state to discover vanishing traces of our lives--celebrations, motels, road art, drive-in theaters, traditions, inventions, folk tales, battlefields, and forts. His journeys rediscover missing pieces of our past that reflect a state of mind as well as a collection of landscapes. He visits Fizzleville, Sodaville, and Footville; the metal globe that is the final resting place of Captain John Cleves Symmes, who theorized that the earth was hollow and inhabited by a strange people; the Mansfield Reformatory, Ohio's largest and toughest haunted house; Waynesville, home of the woman who helped launch the Stetson cowboy hat; and Harry Dearwester, the old "carny" who guesses peoples' weight with 90 percent accuracy.

This serious but offbeat journey around Ohio will appeal to those interested in heritage tourism, Americana, Ohio history and lore, and back rdoads and small-town life.

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